The last couple of years have been challenging for many; we crave local natural escapes to flock to and to feel like ourselves. Statistics showed we travelled more to our parks than a grocery store, work or even to see family. To help recognize how much our local parks mean to us, this art series celebrates a journey to Calgary's Bowness Park, (once a farm) and happens to be a treasured place to join with family, friends, lovers and the like.
The University Of Calgary Outdoor recreation centre also manages canoe rentals and employs many fine energetic minds of Calgary. The lagoon is a wonderful escape for visitors and a 1/2-hour ride costs $20.
On the day of doing an En Plein Air study, one such person, a beautiful young teenage man paddled by with his younger sister. He smiled brightly and asks proudly, “Look at me, this is my first time paddling a canoe, How am I doing?”
I could not help but smile and answer back, “You are doing great!” I laughed and reminisced wondering just how many generations come to enjoy the lagoon as many before, including myself.
These 10"x10" paintings are part of the “100 Days of Summer, Mastrius Art Show” and will be for sale from August 26 until August 31st, 2022 and feature over 100 artists from around the world.
To visit the art show